The Lord has revealed His Calendar!
2021 - The Year of travel! - 2022 - The Year of Triumph!
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II Peter3:8
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. |
The Lord said, "The world is on a collision course with Me / Me and My calendar / stand strong / be a witness / tell them of My Love / tell them of My plan / tell them of judgement / tell them to learn My ways / tell them I am King of Kings / tell them how to treat Me / tell them of their enemy / tell them"
HP - Perseverance / persevere
HH - slack not, persevere / ...time... / Yes, My kingdom comes / established in the earth / it is to be fully manifest in My Day / assume nothing / legally established it must be / foolishness to men, sweet smelling to Me / Atten-hut / I call you to attention concerning this matter / My Hill / My rule / My government, My ways / Atten-hut
... My ways lead to life / carnal thinking leads to destructions / death / death to My purposes / death to My ways / My people must see / My people must hear / their lives are in the balance / they must come to understand, My calendar stands / it is unmovable / it is as it is / I cannot change it / although some think I can / My calendar has been legally established / tell My people to join Me in it / adjourned |
"You are to re-establish the foundational principles found in God's covenants,
which have been lost through time!"
[ The Lord said. "You are going to be surprized at who's in Heaven and who's not. ]
[ The Lord said, "Build Me An Army of Doers Ruled by Simplicity" Key Here ]
The Lord's New Jerusalem GO
White Horse
"Apocalypse Horse(s)!"
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Boot Camp for the Bride Index
Narrow is the way to the Marriage
of the Lamb!
Learn about Golden Meetings, pleasing to the Lord, Judgement Meetings,
The Marriage Feast of the Lamb,
The Man-Child of Rev.12:5-6 & more. |
Beginning Prophecy 1989 ...Harken to My voice. Yea, I have called you to do a new work. It is not based on the principles of men, or does it have the world's standards, nor is it to be judged by the world's standards. You can not judge it according to the standards of men. I have called it from the foundation of the world. I have called it into being. And it shall be because of Me. Know this. You cannot bring it forth in the wisdom of men. It is Spirit;
it is love; it is Me, saith God....
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