Python! The Second Time Through.
Python! The Second Time Through.
The Lord instructed me to write more about the Python spirit on 10-07-2015. In the scene reported in the Four Faces/Manifestations of Python writing (page 16 of this book), it was prophetically revealed I would encounter Python as a child and as a mature man. Looking back, it is easy for me to see I was in a bootcamp situation as a child and as a mature man. God was taking me through, whether I wanted to go or not, because it was necessary to understand in future encounters. After all we are talking about non-infiltration into what God is doing.
The encounter as a mature man with Python started in the fall of 2014. Python was out to destroy what God had set up and demonstrated to be correct concerning the Spotless Bride. As a picture, basically the Lord kept telling me to protect the Bride and He was also telling the Bride to protect the Man-child.
One might ask how did Python manage to get in? Lets look at what I wrote from going through Python as a child (Pg. 17):
(Also notice that Python already knows where we are to go and is poised to keep us from taking those steps God wants us to take. He is around to stop us from following after the “things of the Spirit,” as revealed in Romans chapter 8. He will use our carnal love of others to hinder us, just like he used Peter’s love for the Lord when the Lord had to rebuke him.
We must understand that Jesus was revealing to the disciples the government actions of God. The government of God comes down the River of Life (from Jesus’ shoulders) to us now, and believe me, Python is there with us when we receive that information to draw us off track through thoughts, our ignorance of what God is doing, our love for people, and our own lives.
Python’s attack, my second time through, was to destroy, or at least distort, what God had established and demonstrated to be true concerning the Married Bride’s actions. God established positions were being attacked. (Satan fears the true Married Bride!) Remember it’s a spirit, not the person!
I should have seen Python operating quite a while before I did. It was because of carnal love as revealed in the bold above. That love also made us overlook some things we should not have. I was quiet when I shouldn’t have been and some others were quiet when they should’t have been. Some of us were disobeying God, not revealing “the things of the Spirit” like we should. The Lord had warned us to be on the lookout, but I thought it would be from outside, not from within.
Illuminating the Functions and Mechanics of Python:
From Pg. 2 …The snake was laid out straight with its head elevated and we could see into the empty skull. I had something white, emitting light, in my right hand. I walked up and deliberately, with a little fear, jammed the light through the right eye socket of the snake, depositing the light inside the skull. I withdrew my hand and immense light was now emitting from inside the skull.
The people with me were excited over the victory and seemed to me to be starting to take on the glory of the snake being dead. Knowing this, I said, "Praise be to God, He has given us victory," and started to sing, " We’ve got the victory ... heaven’s on our side." End of scene.
(When going through the snakes as a child, a pastor who had been attacked called to warn me of numbers 6 and 7 before they manifested in my life. I’m not sure I would have recognized these had he not called me.)
1. Python likes to give interpretations to scripture, dreams and fresh words instead of letting the Lord reveal it His way.
2. Python twists the Word of God, sometimes/usually using some truth along with its lies.
3. Python can give dreams, visions, and words just like the Holy Spirit does. He’s the counterfeit of the Holy Spirit! He gives visions, dreams and words that parallel God’s path so closely the person may not see they are actually off path.
4. Python sometimes gives tormenting dreams. Python gives thoughts! - Satan gives thoughts etc.
5. Basically, Python is out to destroy what God is doing by squeezing the life out of it.
6. Python will sometimes remain dormant/hide until some kind of position is acquired by the person it is residing in.
7. Python will try to take over by discrediting those God placed in authority and what they teach!
8. Python will drive/push a person to do something or keep doing something. Python controls. The Lord will not do that in a person’s mind. He leads! If need be He’ll use the Jonah way.
9. Python will act like a snake, striking relentlessly, being bullish with untruths.
10. Python can be easily identified if the word given is critical in nature. The criticalness can be very subtle. The Lord will correct a person without them feeling beat up. There is zero condemnation in Jesus Christ. (I saw this fact in Heaven)
11. Python likes to function in prayer meetings.
12. Python will give a person thoughts and words that if believed, will help Python stay active in the person. (This was revealed when going through as a child and manifested clearly when going through as a mature man.)
13. Python likes to brag on what it can do, sometimes in a very subtle way. I experienced this several times going through as a child and as a mature man.
14. Both times going through the prophetic Python scene necromancer was used first to establish in people’s minds that something was wrong, although untrue.
15. Years and years ago I had a man who is a Judgement Prophet share with me he had worked miracles under Python. (This expanded the picture of Python’s abilities I had at the time.)
16. Pride is a factor in almost every, if not every person I have encountered who had Python operating.
17. Python will compromise in order to be able to stay in a position.
18. Knowing the ways of God can be an identifying factor of the actions of Python.
19. Python can make a person think it left when cast out but instead it has just pulled back.
20, For full lasting deliverance the untruth about a subject where Python is residing must be replaced with the truth of the subject.
21. Replacing the untruth with truth will cause Python to leave without being cast out. It is a legal matter!
22. Python will use carnal love to gain entrance and to remain hidden. It’s like being mesmerized.
23. A person can be saved (spirit born again) and be baptized in the Holy Spirit and have Python active in their lives unknown to themselves.
24. A person can hear God and hear Python, not knowing which is which. I have known several people who have admittedly said they heard two different voices and some had discerned which was which. (Python will try very subtly to convince the person it is the real voice of the Lord in this situation.)
Warring Against Python
Here at Take His Heart we try to be led by the Holy Spirit the best we can as we speak against Python in people's lives. We normally lift up the person before the Lord and wait for specific instruction. Generally we start by giving Jesus praise, thanking Him that He is the deliverer and healer, etc. Other times we do this afterwards; sometimes before and after. The following is an example of what we speak:
"In the name of Jesus Christ, Python, we/I break your power and all your cohort’s power (or we/I render you powerless) in ____'s life. We/I spoil your fruit and destroy your goods, in Jesus' name. Thank You, Jesus, for seeing to it the fruit (goods) of Python are destroyed in ____'s mind and life. We/I call forth truth and declare that they see what they haven't been able to see and they hear what they haven't been able to hear. We/I call forth truth into their life and into the earth.”
Doing these things will start the process of deliverance from Python. Remember, the untruth Python where resides must be replaced with truth or Python will return to the empty house as Jesus revealed in scripture (Matt 12:43-45). Always seek the Lord for instruction!
Tactics of Satan
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