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Python Spirit | Four Faces
A testimonial teaching concerning
Satan and Evil Spirits!

Learn how Satan can visit every person on this planet in a twenty-four-hour period.


The book: Satan and Evil Spirits, the Enemies of Mankind.

Book Index:

Satan and Evil Spirits PDF of this section Satan Book One cover
1. Introduction The Enemy of Mankind. My Experience with the Devil
2. The Enemy of Mankind My Experience with the Devil.
3. How Simply Does the Enemy Use the Thoughts of People Against God's Purpose?
4. The Deep Seed of Anger
5. My Deliverance From the Spirit of Fear

5a Pain in Deliverance

Python Section PDF Python wide zip - Book Two 6th Ed zip - Cover zip
6. Python! Divination = Python. It's a Soul Thing. Familiar Spirit = Python
7. What! A Religious Spirit? Necromancer = Python
8. Four Faces of Python!
9. "This Spirit is Rampant in My Church!"
10. A Witness Concerning the Snake's Tactics!
11. Python Belittling the Work of the Cross Haughty = Python. Personal Experience With Haughty
12. The Python is a "Strong Man."

Depth Concerning Python
13. Introduction - Timeline Events
14. The Courts of Heaven
15. Python and the Mind of Man
16. It Takes a Flow Chart to Get Rid of Python

17. Python! The Second Time Through.

You are here at number 8 (Four Faces of Python).


Four Faces / Manifestations of Python / Pythonic Spirit

God gave me a scene concerning the Python spirit that reveals the Python has different faces (workings-manifestations-actions). The best way I can explain is, that it's kind of like the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is one Spirit, one person, but having differing manifestations.

I Corinthians 12: 4
Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.

Part of the scene Wednesday, May 12, 1999 condensed:

The part of the scene I want to share is where I was watching a boy who was flying through the air, showing me three large python snakes on the ground. Then I was beside him and he was pointing them out saying, "See!" There was a snake (1) that was lying flat on the ground that had a red stripe and appeared dead. The second (2) Python had a pinkish purple stripe. (This stripe was not distinctively sharp like the stripes on the other snakes.) This snake was at the base of some stairs that were out in the open, like they went up into heaven. He had his head up, like he was ready to strike anyone who attempted to go up the stairs. I knew I was to go up those stairs. There was a third Python (3) with a green stripe, past the one at the stairs. (In the scene it was made very clear that all these Pythons had different actions.) Then I was on the ground (mature man) walking through the Pythons again, by myself, as I was the boy turned man.

In the scene when I was mature, I walked by the red- striped Python that was laid out, looking dead, on by the one at the stairs (2) and on to the other green-striped Python (3). I then turned back to the Python that was red striped (1), appearing dead, to see it split open and another Python (4) come out of it that had a blue stripe. It aggressively came after me. I then quickly walked to the Python at the stairs that wanted to strike me. I had my hands out ready to catch its head as it struck at me. I was going to prove that the hands are quicker than the eye by catching its head as it lunged at me. I was ready! The Python was guarding the stairs because he already knew I was supposed to go up.

Notice that I was knowledgeable enough to handle the Python at the stairs after seeing all four Pythons and walking through them as a mature man. Each encounter with the Python snakes represents God teaching or revealing something to me about the Python spirit.

Also notice that the Python already knows where we are to go and is poised to keep us from taking those steps God wants us to take. He is around to stop us from following after the "things of the Spirit," as revealed we are to do in Romans chapter 8. He will use our carnal love of others to hinder us, just like he used Peter's love for the Lord when the Lord had to rebuke him.

We must understand that Jesus was revealing to the disciples the government actions of God. The government of God comes down the River of Life (from Jesus' shoulders) to us now, and believe me, the Python is there with us when we receive that information. The enemy uses Python to draw us off track through thoughts, our ignorance of what God is doing, our love for people, and our own lives.

There is no doubt in my mind that Satan understood much more about my calling than I did when God started dealing with me in 1980. The Python has been a hindrance through my thought life as well as through other people, all just like the scene indicates. We fall prey to it many times in our lives because we are ignorant of its activities in our daily lives.

The scene clearly reveals that there are different actions, manifestations, and faces of the Python spirit. It is interesting that the boy showed me three Pythons with different actions but when I walked through them physically a fourth Python that had been hidden was revealed. This shows that the Python can be very aggressive and that I was going to learn something not normally seen about the Python by walking out the vision. The vision was prophetic and I didn't understand it in the beginning. It was all God's doing!

9. "This Spirit is Rampant in My Church!"


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