Python Spirit | Pythonic Spirit | Belittling the Cross
A testimonial teaching concerning
Satan and Evil Spirits!
Learn how Satan can visit every person on this planet in a twenty-four-hour period. |
You are here at number 11 (Python Belittling the Work of the Cross).
Python Belittling the Work of the Cross
I was at an apostles meeting and I was part of the board. There was a small group of men attending who were trying to establish their own doctrines that were simply not Biblical - plural marriage, among others. They were trying to infiltrate the gathering. Their leader came to this particular meeting. The leader of the apostles' meetings informed us, the board, that we would have to expel these men from the meetings. The Lord had me go into the hallway and pray. The hallway was large, odd shaped, and travail came upon me. I travailed, walking around a specific area in the hallway. At one particular spot travail was so hard it brought me to my knees and I was there for some time. I thought this was strange. When the travail subsided I went back into the meeting. I had no clue as to what was going to happen next.
The meeting was about to start when the leader motioned the board to go out into the hallway, along with the leader of this group of men he wanted to expel. The board stood in the hallway exactly on the area I had travailed around. The man we were expelling was in the same circle and on the exact spot where I had such hard travail. Of course I found this interesting.
I already knew this man was influenced by the Python (religious spirit) because another brother and I had interviewed this man. We learned that he "goes to hell every once in a while to be tortured so that people up on earth can be saved." He talked to us about having these experiences. I knew this was the work of the Python controlling this man's life, belittling the work of the Cross of Jesus Christ.
As we stood in the hallway with this man the Python spirit began to manifest before my eyes. The man with the Python spirit sat down, Indian style, on the floor right on the spot where I had travailed so hard. Whenever this man would speak to someone on the board, he would spring up like a snake, get in that person's face while spewing his words, then immediately sit back down cross legged on that particular spot. This went on through the whole encounter. It was strange looking because everyone was standing except for this man, who had the Python spirit in control of his actions. It was manifesting itself in actions as a snake.
We see how controlling this spirit can become, but we must also understand that it can operate in our daily lives, unnoticed, belittling the cross of Jesus and everything God sends down the river of life to us. He will belittle a word (Rhema) from the Lord and twist the Logos.
Please notice that in all of the testimony so far no one had to conjure up anything; that spirit was just there and functioning.
Python Contains Haughty
The Lord revealed to me in the night that He was going to deliver a certain person from a spirit. He indicated that it would take time, but He didn't tell me what spirit the person had. My wife and I went to see this lady and told her to pray and find out. Had we known which spirit and just told her she probably would not have accepted it because of the spirit's nature. That's why God never told us its name. She would not have received its name from us because of the spirit's control, its very nature.
In prayer the Lord told her its name was "Haughty," and then she asked us what it was. This spurred us to pray and study about the haughty spirit. Eventually we prayed and cast it out. Because the Lord had said it would take time, we knew that we were just starting a process. We were sure the Lord would teach us through this experience.
About a week later the person came to me and said she had identified the spirit within herself and had actually conversed with it, feeling like she had a split personality. What did it say? "Who do you think you are to think you can get rid of me?" Haughty, wasn't it?
As time went on, we worked with her and identified some fruit of that spirit. After telling her, she became unsure that she wanted to be rid of the spirit. Those fruits of this particular spirit were a subconscious crutch in her life. She said that she had always been like this and she was afraid of living without those things in her life. This is well worth noting and actually it was haughty for her not to want rid of those things in her life.
Personal Experience with Haughty
Recalling my first personal experience with haughty, I was sitting beside a Christian man in an eating establishment when I felt something strange come onto me from him. Arriving home I became attacked fiercely by these thoughts which I recorded:
"Who do you think you are? You haven't been to school! You can't minister unless your family is in order! There is something wrong, you don't know what you are doing." (Remember the Necromancer - Python speaking "There is something wrong?" Same spirit!)
I was being consumed and about to make these thoughts a part of me. I could not get rid of them. I cried out to God! He said, "A spirit of haughtiness has attacked you." I was instantly set free by the truth of what was happening. I felt it leave. It was because I accepted the truth. If the spirit had been ingrained in me, it would not have been that easy. It would have come against the truth over and over because it had residence. I couldn't have accepted the truth that easily! Says something, doesn't it?
Haughty dethrones the kingship of God. It was haughty for Satan to believe he could dethrone God! There is a bottom side to haughty also. The woe is me, in the gutter type thoughts. "You are nothing," or, "I'm nothing," type thoughts. In Strong's Greek concordance the number 1361 for haughty is:
to soar - be lofty - exalt, be haughty, be higher, lift up, mount up, be proud, raise up to great height, upward
The number 1364 says:
elevated, powerful, lofty, proud, exceeding proudly
Remember, the spirit itself is haughty. The lady who had identified haughty in herself said the spirit said, "Who do you think you are to think you can get rid of me?" In my experience the haughty spirit said to me, "Who do you think you are?"
One time I was charging a religious spirit to come out of a man. The spirit manifested (as this very man) with a huge head about 4 feet wide and he stood about 14 feet tall in front of me. It looked down on me and said, "You can't get rid of me!" Haughty and big headed, it became what God revealed it to be. I have never seen a person with a religious, Python spirt who wasn't haughty at some point, in some way.
We have seen that haughty has to do with pride and one of the symbols in the spirit realm for pride is the bear. So we see that haughty is also represented by the bear. The symbol for the religious spirit (which is really Python) is a bear with a human face. This certainly brings the Python (religious spirit) together with haughtiness or pride; a simple picture for us to see.