On 2-25-2009 the Lord said, “Protections, they're in My control.” This article is to inform you of some things the Lord has revealed since the Presentation of God’s Covenant movies were made. In particular, the protections and tithing sections.
Tithing - Gifts
We should understand that the main motive for tithing correctly is to be because we Love Him, according to His first commandment (as revealed in the movies). And that we want to give to His purposes, at His direction, which always fit into His plan. This allows Him to be involved the way He wants to be and always produces fruit of some kind, at some point.
A secondary motive is for the protections, which the Lord Himself brought up to me, as revealed in the protection section of the movie. It is not a prosperity, get rich, or get out of debt scheme as some may think. God does move in this way, but if that becomes our motive it is not a correct motive. The Lord does shut doors to the enemy concerning finances, but our obedience is also sometimes involved.
Another incident that occurred since the movies were made happened at a ministry meeting. The Lord got it across to us that we don’t tithe on gifts unless we want to, at which the funds would become an offering.
A lifted Hedge
Sometime back the Lord told a person here at Take His Heart that He was lifting the Hedge, “Will You trust Me?” When she revealed this to me I thought, “Wow, this is going to be very interesting.” I won’t go into the details, but I can tell you this continued over a long period of time. It mainly concerned her family.
As things began to happen the Lord would ask, “Will you yet trust Me?” He continued to ask, “Will you yet trust Me?” all the way through the ordeal. We began to see a greater purpose for lifting the hedge! Was it worth it? Yes, and I could see it was a way to bring changes in people by exposing the enemy and hidden evils. These changes went beyond the borders of family, affecting other people. God was on the move, bringing good out of darkness through circumstances.
So we see God has not changed, that He still lifts hedges from around us for a greater purpose just like He did with Job! Praise be to God, He is the righteous judge. A Lifted Hedge is a good example of, “Protections, they're in My control.” The question is, “Will we yet trust Him?”