Curse | Cursed, Learn
God's Pardon of Debt!
Because the tithe is to be used for the Lord's personal purposes (in His Name), tithing correctly excites a Christian who truly loves the Lord.
The disciples delivered the Lord's wealth in His Name! Learn correct purposes and how to deliver the tithe in the Lord's name by reading below and watching the tithing and protection section of the movie. Watch the teaching movie.
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My experience with the pardon of debt! or
. . .The curse causeless shall not come. Proverbs 26:1,2
Some years ago as the Lord was teaching me about tithing, He started dealing with me about going to a Morris Cerullo meeting in Colorado. He revealed to me in the night that I would receive something there, and then He was going to give me something that they didn't have, a foundation (where God said to spend His wealth).
Another thing the Lord had shown me before I went, which I didn't understand at the time, was a bunch of checks (those already discussed in this subject) made out to people I didn't know, all signed by the Lord. My wife and I arrived at the meeting with my parents and settled in for an exciting time. It turned out that John Avanzini was the speaker the Lord wanted me to hear. God had given him revelation concerning the curse of not tithing.
Looking back, it was imperative that I be in this meeting because this was the first meeting in which God allowed John Avanzini to share what the Lord had revealed to him. First fruits, the first time something is shared which the Lord has revealed, is always more correct, has more anointing, and has more of an impact. I had to hear first hand what the Lord had revealed.
As I remember, Mr. Avanzini taught that tithing was New Testament as well as Old Testament. That every man owed a tithe to God, and that the accumulation of debt was impossible to repay. He talked about the curse that comes from robbing God, found in
Malachi 3:8,9.
But ye said, Wherein shall we return? 8. Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. 9. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.
Mr. Avanzini revealed to us that we were under a curse in our lives, but that the Lord had provided a way out. Mr. Avanzini taught about forgiveness of debt at a bank. This is when a person has a debt he can't pay due to various circumstances. He goes to the bank and says, "Look, I can't pay you the full amount; so if you'll forgive a part of the debt and make a new agreement with me that I can pay, then we'll both gain; otherwise I'm going to take bankruptcy to survive." What happens is this: the bank forgives part of the debt and writes it off as a bad debt. Both parties are better off, and it is done legally. The other thing that is good about this is the fact that there is nothing legally done against the debtor, as in a bankruptcy.
To get on with my story, Mr. Avanzini had everyone pray and ask God what amount He would accept as payment of their back debt. This was hard for me because I'd never felt that God had spoken to me about money that way before, and I didn't trust myself because it was money we were talking about. I finally arrived at a figure which was more persistent among all the other figures permeating my being. I told the Lord that if I didn't have the right figure, I would make it right after He revealed it to me. I was serious about this. Mr. Avanzini then prayed over the money and broke the curse on our lives, in the Lord's name! Something definitely happened in the spirit realm which I was made fully aware of because the Lord made sure I felt it. I left the meeting free from the debt I had acquired because I had unknowingly stolen from God.
One must understand, God demonstrates His word, and that is what He was doing with me. Before we left the meetings I was faced with giving the last of my money, as an act of faith. I gave $50 directly towards the conversion of the Jews. It was my first offering to the Lord after being freed from the curse. I was not giving a tithe but an offering. I left the meeting excited about what the Lord had revealed concerning the curse of not tithing. In this excitement I had forgotten all about what the Lord had shown me before I went to the meetings: the checks made out to people I didn't know, which were signed "Jesus." I had forgotten about the foundation He was going to give me that these people didn't have. These were soon to resurface!
I arrived home, and within a week the Lord instructed a couple to give me five thousand dollars - over a period of time. He had told them each separately. I knew God had confirmed what I had learned! I thought I didn't need to worry about my finances any more since the curse was gone and because I had a "one hundred-fold" return on my fifty dollars. Wrong!
Time passed and again I found myself laboring to make ends meet, which brought me to seek the Lord. That's when He started giving me the understanding of the foundation and the checks signed by "Jesus." He revealed to me that I had started robbing Him again by giving to unholy altars. The unholy altars turned out to be churches that were not handling God's money in righteousness, so I knew I had come under the curse again. I was unknowingly robbing Him due to the fact that He cannot honor an unrighteous offering.
So, again I prayed, asking forgiveness for robbing the Lord and for the amount He would accept as payment of the debt I owed. I knew all the people that were at Mr. Avanzini's meeting had lost what they had gained because they had started to rob God again by tithing to unholy altars. I personally know of an apostle and his wife whom the Lord told they were giving to an unholy altar, and this was years before this particular experience. God has been saying this, it is nothing new, but no one understood!
To go on, we have shared Mr. Avanzini's teaching with people in the past, and the Lord has always given them the amount He would accept as payment of the person's debt. He has given couples the same figure separately, more than once. Is there any better continuing confirmation? But to tell the truth, I quit sharing it because it does no good if they proceed to give to unholy altars (churches who use God's money for unrighteous purposes), which leaves an open door for the enemy. Now I won't share the forgiveness of debt unless I can also share about delivering the tithe correctly.
The foundation the Lord showed me He was going to give me, that they didn't have in the meeting in Colorado, is very simply the fact that God doesn't consider tithing done until it is delivered to those He specified in His Word. It's time we put it all together, break the curse and then be sure not to rob God again. The enemy is saying this is foolishness, feeding all sorts of things into our minds, like he did to Eve. He's saying that's too hard, too much trouble, but I'm here to tell you it's simple, not hard. It's no harder to hand over God's tithe to a church that is delivering it right, than it is to hand it over to a harlotrous church! Praying and getting rid of the curse is nothing! The enemy will tell you it is, with all sorts of religious and nonreligious thoughts. It's time for change in the church!
Psalms 55:19
God shall hear, and afflict them, even he that abideth of old. Selah. Because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God.
It's time for you to pray and ask God what He will take to cover your back debt to Him, produced by using His tithe for our own purposes. Satan uses this to accuse us before God. God will give you an amount. After you have the amount write it down or make the check out, deliver it, or do what He tells you to do. Break the curse in the Lord's name, then when the devil accuses you of having stolen from God in the past, God has legal recourse to say, "NO!" to Satan. God can say, "It is written (recorded); that debt is taken care of." Jesus referred to what was written (recorded) to deal with the devil (Matthew 4:1-10). This is the same thing.
Be sure not to steal again, by seeing to it that your full tithe is used in the right way. Deliver it yourself if you have to, but it's better to get together with others because God wants corporate participation. He wants to teach you! If you can't seem to get started, contact us at Take His Heart to the World Ministries and we will help you. It's time Christians closed some doors! Remember, it is a process. It takes time to grow a hedge, and is not a snap of the fingers thing.
Let's briefly review.
Step one: Pray and ask God for the figure He will accept for forgiveness of debt.
Step two: Thank God for giving you the amount. Break the curse in the name of Jesus! Then deliver the amount. ( Be sure it gets to God's appointed purposes, a person, not a ministry, unless you know that ministry will deliver 100% of it to those appointed by God.)
Step three: Then make sure your tithe is delivered right from then on.
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