November 9, 2007 vision
concerning the
Day of the Clouds! |
Dear Sir,
I hardly know where to begin except at what I believe is the beginning. I came across your website a few years ago and watched the movie on the white horse and even ordered the movie from you at that time. To be honest, I didn't give it much more thought. I did sign up for updates to your site which I usually deleted and that brings me to this email.
Friday night, November 9,2007, during our worship service I had an unusual vision. I saw the earth spinning at an extremely accelerated rate and then I saw that the Lord's hands were near the earth like He was going to put His hands on the earth and catch it which would stop the rotation. I looked up in the vision and saw the face of Jesus and He was weeping. His tears were hitting the earth and it seemed that this caused the earth to spin faster, but what struck me was that the earth became totally engulfed in what I would describe as white puffs like cotton. This white puffiness became so dense that I could no longer see the earth. There was no more to the vision, but each time I closed my eyes I could see the earth covered in this white covering. I prayed and asked the Lord what He was trying to tell me, but I didn't receive an answer.
Saturday night, November 10,2007, I was cleaning up my email box and came across an email from your site announcing an update. I had a strong sense of urgency to go to the website. I went to the home page and began to look around and imagine my surprise when I came across the information on the Day of the Clouds. The flow chart showed pictures of the vision I had just had the previous night. I was flabbergasted.
In August 2005, my grandson XXXX was 3 years old and he began having a series of encounters with the Lord for 3 weeks prior to his fourth birthday which was September 13th. He and his Mother were living with us at that time. He would tell me in the mornings that he had visited heaven with Jesus the night before. The focus of the visits seemed to be on the apocalyptic horses of Revelation 6. He described them to me as a child would, but he kept emphasizing the white horse He repeatedly told me that the white horse was coming to earth, but not to be afraid. He even took my face in his tiny hands one morning and looked directly in my face and said ,"Jesus said the white horse is coming, but don't be scared XXXXX." The morning of his 4th birthday Jesus visited him in his bedroom. He told me that Jesus came and brought sheep to his room and stood at the end of his bed and said, "XXXX, feed my sheep. XXXX, take care of my sheep. XXXX, love my sheep."
As I watched the movies on the website last night I knew the seriousness of what the Lord had revealed to my grandson. I have been filled with the fear of God all night and day. The Holy Spirit has just reminded me of a vision I had on May 26, 2006. I was worshiping the Lord when I suddenly saw the earth and it was shaken. It rocked back and forth and I heard the word "Cataclysmic".
I don't know what all of this means, but I do sense it is associated with the revelation on your website and I knew I was to share it with you.
I would welcome any insight you receive on these things.
Blessings in the name of Jesus,
Sherry Furlow