A Huge Catastrophic Event of Apocalyptic Proportion!
Dutch PDF Catastrophic
Catastrophic Event
In June of 2009 I found myself looking at a wall. Splotches of covenant red began moving up the wall, covering the wall. I thought, "I’m hallucinating." Suddenly I was looking at the earth. I was close enough that I could not see the perimeters of the earth on any side. I was seeing what I can only call a huge catastrophic event of apocalyptic proportion. Then reds words appeared across the scene I was witnessing saying, “Do not write the vision.” I thought, “Why the vision?”
Then I heard, “The burden is not my prophets, My prophets are not to carry the burden. You are not to carry the burden, the burden is the Lord’s! When this happens people will know without knowing the vision, they will say, ‘this is what Roy saw,’ there will be no doubt.”
Now you can understand why I said, “I was seeing what I can only call a huge catastrophic event of apocalyptic proportion!” The Lord also told me why this needs to happen. In other words that it must needs be.
A few days later I was looking for something in my Bible to run across this scripture. It loomed at me as I’m sure you can understand.
Revelation of John 16: 18
And there were voices, and thunders, and lightning; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were on the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.
This scripture is in the seventh bowl poured out. The sixth bowl of the sequence has to do with the euphrates drying up. Have you checked the euphrates out on the internet lately? Type "euphrates" and "drying up" into a search engine, I'm sure it will interest you.
The Lord said:
"...Can you hear? Am I not God? I say, 'Come.' I call you to My ways and My calendar of events. The church in the world has its calendar and I have Mine. Some have made their calendar from My Word, yet they err. Even those whom I have gifted have their own calendar but I am the Lord and I have Mine. I reveal My calendar step by step. Those who learn My ways, and find My calendar, shall ride the wings of a bird in flight into victory with Me. I have designed the Way. It is Me, it is Truth, it is Love, it is My pattern, it has My purpose. Know, My calendar stands. Time is short. 'Come forth, Bride!' Those who truly love and fear Me shall come; those who fear Me not, shall remain. Lean not to your own understanding and rest in this knowledge that I will legally protect My Bride, according to My eternal plan...." Link
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