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A Basic Wash & Golden Meeting


The King of King’s Laver
A Basic Wash and Golden Meeting

I was having a problem writing this article to have the Lord give me an encouraging word and more:

Meeting 7-18-2017
With wisdom continue / be not afraid / truth prevails / protocols, protocols, protocols / My people must learn My protocols / am I not King? / do I ask too much? / no, Lord / what is the cost of walking with Me? / do not the benefits overshadow the costs? / yes, Lord / encourage My people / we have work to do / tell them to understand this / did I not say we would rule together? / My cleansed Bride and I rule together / do My protocols and will lead and demonstrate / come join the victory / the victory is with Me

General Introduction

Golden Meetings bring us into the fourth dimension, a place we don’t normally see into, that being the place of God’s Kingdom. God refers to it as “crossing over.” Jesus revealed that the Kingdom of God is all around us; the same Kingdom where Jesus did some foolish looking things when He was physically on earth. It’s the same Kingdom where Jesus revealed that we must enter as a child, doing what looks childish to carnal minds.

The fourth dimension is also where Satan and all his cohorts, witches, etc. operate. It’s where the Lord’s Angels and Hosts preside and function. It’s where we as Christians do spiritual warfare, where we do High Praise warfare. We must understand all of this to be true and it is part of the reason for God’s protocols. Satan will try to distort protocols to allow himself entry, he is a copy cat.

For all meetings in the Lord we enter without shoes, whether it is a Golden Meeting, corporate or individual, a simple wash at the Laver, or High Praises. If the meeting is made up of two or more people there must be a leader appointed to stay away from confusion. This also lends to the people becoming one in actions throughout the meeting.

(Because of the silence needed in a Golden Meeting, in this meeting we speak in our minds everything that’s going to happen in the spirit realm portraying with actions what we just spoke. Scripturally, faith without an act [works] is dead. During the Laver wash only, if two or more people are having the meeting the leader speaks out loud with the others agreeing in thought and action. Otherwise the whole Golden Meeting is normally totally silent. ( If an individual wants to speak out loud at the Laver in a private meeting it is OK.)

The Lord’s Laver

Here are a few things the Lord has said about His Laver:

L) Much is done at My Laver; conscious awareness; importance; not a ritual; ever

L) Purification; process; cleanse at My laver; slack not; cleanse, hallowed time; with Me

L) Let Me cleanse every thought;

L) Cleansing allows Me in; in ways man has yet to understand; gives working room;
for the Holy Spirit within; hesitate not to cleanse

L) allow deep cleansing; My body must be

A Basic Wash

The Lord showed me a two tier Laver so we can bend over to get His blood or simply dip into the upper level not bending over. This makes it easy to symbolically wash the upper and lower parts of our body.

When you come to the Laver be relaxed and not in a rush.  Be deliberate in speaking and actions. (Remember you are starting a meeting so we enter His gates with thanksgiving.)  The Holy Spirit showed me to give thanks this way - I was sitting with my back against a wall sitting down. I out stretched my hands wide towards the sky and said, “Father, I adore You, thank You for creation. Jesus/Yeshua, I adore You, thank You for creation.” Can you think of anything higher we could thank God for? Can you imagine how it would move heaven if all the Christians did this in a single day? When you say it from your heart you will take notice. (You can certainly say and do your thanksgiving your way.)

It is good to deal with forgiveness: You might say Lord, I/we forgive, help me/us to walk in forgiveness as You did.

1. At the Laver I/we start with, “Father God, King Jesus/Yeshua, Holy Spirit I/we accept and activate Your will in this meeting. (While making an action of activation.) We deactivate (action) the enemy and all his cohort’s abilities to interfere in this meeting in any way with the authority that is in the name of Jesus/Yeshua. (Understand, when you/we do an act you/we are portraying.)

2. Thank the Lord for His Laver, His covenant blood and His Holy Water.  
I/We invoke and activate (action) all our rights concerning Your Laver, Your covenant Blood, and Your Holy water. (His Holy water is the water that came from His side at His crucifixion.  He said we are to not take His Holy water lightly. The Lord also revealed His water comes from His well.)  
  You can praise Him for all three items if you want. Some times I do, sometimes I don’t.  (Remember, you must speak everything that’s going to happen in the spirit realm symbolizing with action.)
With the authority in the name of Jesus/Yeshua, I/we allow the ignition (action) of the power of the Lord’s Blood and Water to be used as the Lord desires in His Laver. I/We usually thank the Lord for the flames of fire in His Laver. The Lord revealed each flame has a different purpose.

3. You can start saying what you are going to do.“I wash off unrighteous acts.”  "I wash away dust."  ("Dust" represents soulish things.)  "I wash away forgetfulness.”  These are the first three things the Lord gave us to say as we wash, so they are foundational.  You can say these things while washing but we usually say them before hand, then start washing.   You can also wash your soul and spirit and allow your own soul to be quiet. Simply say, I/we allow our/my soul(s) to be quiet.

4. Then start portraying washing your body from the Lord’s Laver.  Eyes, so we can see and ears, so we can hear, etc. (There is more to add to all of this but this is basically where the Lord had us start.)  One of the first things added about washing actions was that the Lord said to be sure and get in-between our fingers. Another thing the Lord has told us to do is to wash deep. To do this you must say, “We/I wash deep” and then make some sort of change in how you normally wash. The acts must depict what is said. This is all real in the spirit realm.

The words are part of the Lord’s protocols.  He has given these words for us to say because He, not us, knows where we need cleansed.  Washing off unrighteous acts covers a lot, things we don’t know about. Understand this, just like in the physical it can take any number of washings to get something or somebody clean. Don’t get the idea you can become totally clean in a single washing.

Washing at the Laver is a supernatural thing in the spirit realm and when we wash His way we give the Lord full reign to cleanse us as He sees fit.  It’s an example of letting our King reign in our lives without our own agendas. We don’t take into the Laver /meeting what we are called to do. We don’t take in our positions, pastor, teacher, etc. We are to create silence and listen and sometimes just silence depending on the type of meeting it is. It takes faith and trust in Him to have correct Golden Meetings.

Someone may say, “You are getting too particular with each detail.”  However, the Lord said to pay attention to the details.  If someone is going to bake a cake or build a bridge there are certain steps to take for success.  Wrong steps at the wrong time and the cake or bridge will fail.

The Lord, not us, knows the correct steps for us to operate with Him in His Kingdom.  We do enter into the Lord in a Golden Meeting that’s done correctly. We are tabernacling with the Lord! It’s just like when the priest in Israel’s Tabernacle entered into Jesus/Yeshua when He entered the Holy of Holies where Jesus/Yeshua presided in silence.

One time the Lord said to me, "How could anyone truly enter into Me without going through My Laver?”

The Lord told me years ago that the very air we breath is full of sin.  We need to wash often and it won’t become a ritual if we understand purposes. It’s the Lord’s cleansing, not our idea of cleansing. One time the Lord told us to wash during the day so He can use us. (This means washing outside of our regular meetings.) He wants to be able to work through us.

Once we/you have practiced this for a while the Lord will add and take us/you deeper into things concerning the Laver.  

The Rest of the Meeting (The Holy Place and the Holy of Holies have already been identified and set up.)

If there is more than one person in the meeting a leader is still necessary, leading actions & timing only.

The next action is to move to the Holy Place; and after circling up, (if a group) we start to create silence that we can then offer to the Lord. We remain standing creating silence and when we think we have enough silence we lift our hands, palms up, to shoulder height, saying with our minds, “Please accept our/my silence, Lord.” If you want you can also say, “Please accept our/my silence, Father.”

I was shown more than once that Jesus/Yeshua is hovering over us at this time, loving on us. Our next step is to enter into Him so He can take us into the Holy of Holies. To do this we lift our hands, that are already at our shoulders, on up above our heads entering into Him and saying with our minds, “I/we enter into You, Lord.” I usually add, “As instructed, do with me/us as You please.” But that’s your choice.

After this is said and done we then move into the Holy of Holies in an orderly fashion, picking up our pen/pencils and paper, from our seats and take our seats. If there are two or more doing the meeting we should line up in front of the chairs and sit down together, the leader leading in this. God is a God of order.

We record anything the Lord says or has said already on paper to report in the After Meeting. From experience the Lord sometimes gives just a word or a few words to a beginner. One time we took a couple through a meeting to show them they could hear God. The Lord simply said to her, “Meet again.” The man heard something about his anger. I don’t remember the words, but they were few, simple with no condemnation. God gives here a little and there a little, and sometimes He just wants silence.

When the Lord is done speaking or you think He is, simply get up and move into the After Meeting where everyone can report. If you have a leader operating you can motion to them that you are done listening. This is so everyone can leave the Holy of Holies in a orderly fashion after everyone has indicated to the leader they are done listening.

At the end of this writing, I leave you with the same words the Lord gave us when we first started learning,”Practice practice, practice.”

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