The Riders Are Riding!
Rev. 6 Four Horsemen
Ten Virgins Parable is in Effect!
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The Riders Are Riding!
During a Golden Meeting in Grapeland Texas on 8/21/2011, the Lord gave the following word:
Drink MY Spirit in. Let it nourish you. Now is the time to be prepared. You must know what to do. The riders are riding. Things will move faster and faster. Meet ME in the way. I will pass by and give instructions to MY people. Behold I come like a thief in the night. Have your lamp oil ready. MY Bride is focused on ME. She will be waiting and ready. Go have communion and drink ME in.
On 9/14/2011, the Lord told us to embellish the news.
God is pouring out His Spirit on the earth, illuminating scripture. One of the illuminated subjects concerns the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. See here. This article illustrates that the Four Horsemen all ride at the same time, not one by one; also that what they are doing and what they are supposed to do in the future will accelerate immensely. This parallels what the Lord just said, “Things will move faster and faster.”
Jesus said in John 6:63 … the words that I speak to you, they are spirit, and they are life. When He said, “Drink MY Spirit in. Let it nourish you,” He was saying drink in My information recently given to you by My Spirit - take them in because they are life to you in End Times. (They have instruction in them.) The Lord then reveals why, “Now is the time to be prepared. You must know what to do.” Here it is all together: Drink MY Spirit in. Let it nourish you. Now is the time to be prepared. You must know what to do. The riders are riding. Things will move faster and faster.
The Lord is revealing that we must know what to do because the Four Horsemen are riding. We should understand everything we can about them. Chapter 6 of Revelation indicates that the Red Horse destroys peace, the Black Horse destroys economies, and the Pale Horse Brings death. To add to what is obvious in scripture and who the Rider of the White Horse is, go here.
This article illustrates the fact that it is necessary for us to be in covenant with the Lord, just as it was necessary for the nation of Israel to obey the Lord and put blood over their doors to have the death angel pass by them at Passover. Jesus was there with the death angel as it passed by Israel’s doors at Passover, just as He rides today with the Pale, Black, and Red Horses while carrying His covenant protection, symbolized by a bow (Rev. 6:2). He’s there to protect those who are in covenant with Him.
I will pass by and give instructions to MY people. Jesus had given instruction to His people at Passover before Passover. He is giving instruction to His people now and will continue! The Lord said, Meet ME in the way. I will pass by and give instructions to MY people. Notice that Meet ME in the way came before I will pass by and give instructions to MY people. Jesus said in scripture that He is the Way and His ways are above ours.
When the Lord was teaching us about having meetings “In HIm” we had to learn protocol. There was protocol when the priests entered into Him in the Holy of Holies in the temple. Some will say that this is not pertinent now, but it is. Jesus comes as a King in the Book of Revelation and the church needs to learn how to treat Him as King, how to honor Him as King. Golden Meetings are important to understand because they honor the Lord as King.
(I suggest you read Matthew 25, as it presents a very important picture.)
The Lord said, ”Behold I come like a thief in the night. Have your lamp oil ready.” The Lord is revealing more of His calendar by His Spirit! We are already in the time of the manifesting of The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins right before the Marriage Feast; whether we want to be or not, we have no choice in this!
Matthew 25:
3 They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:
4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
“Have your lamp oil ready.” Are we going to be wise or foolish?
Those virgins who were wise had enough oil to keep their lamps lit so they could see how to go with the Lord into the Wedding Feast. It is an individual responsibility whether a person has more oil or not.
8 And the foolish said to the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.
9 But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go you rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.
10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.
The door was shut and it was too late for those unwise virgins to enter into the Wedding Feast. Banging on the door would not work. It was too late for excuses even if the Lord would have opened the door to speak with them! It’s an exciting time for God’s people to get into God’s Boot-Camp. It’s time to get prepared, to be ready.
The Lord would not have His people ignorant - no one should want to be one of the unwise virgins! In the parable they had time to prepare to be ready, but they didn’t do it. The Lord is giving His people ample forewarning. He has given the information necessary for becoming a guest or being in the Bride at the Marriage Feast of the Lamb. Don’t make excuses and put off God’s Boot-Camp because the Lord said, “dangerous” “excuse” when we asked the Lord about this article on 9/25/2011. The Lord has shown me there are people, even pastors, who are not carrying through on getting rid of all the spots. They are not focused on Brideship as the Lord revealed we should all be. I’m sure they have excuses, but as the Lord revealed, they are “Dangerous excuses!”
The Marriage Feast of the Lamb is a meeting. Will you know how to conduct yourself in it? That information is also on this site. Link In the parable time ran out, the door was shut and the Marriage Feast took place without the five unwise virgins all because they were not prepared, not ready. The Lord has literally given ample time, but know that door will shut some day for real.
MY bride is focused on ME. She will be waiting and ready. Once you learn Brideship you will understand how the Bride can be very focused on the Lord and what He is doing. The ways (acts) of harlotry in the church in the world does not produce this close connection with the Lord. It is important for the Lord’s people to come into covenant; after all, the Lord said, ”The riders are riding. Things will move faster and faster.”
I just hope it doesn’t take too much tribulation for the Body of Christ to finally break away from the acts of harlotry and learn the acts of Brideship by taking the necessary steps to come into covenant with the Lord. It’s really not as hard as it may seem, but one must pay attention. LInk
Go have communion and drink ME in. Go here Link to find out what the Lord taught us about having communion in these Last Days. Get into His flow! Don’t get into Dangerous excuses!
Drink MY Spirit in. Let it nourish you. Now is the time to be prepared. You must know what to do. The riders are riding. Things will move faster and faster. Meet ME in the way. I will pass by and give instructions to MY people. Behold I come like a thief in the night. Have your lamp oil ready. MY bride is focused on ME. She will be waiting and ready. Go have communion and drink ME in.
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White Horse Vision
Given in 1993
The Next prophetic word - I Saw Baby Parts - America
The Apocalypse Horse Index