The Spotless Bride
God said,
"My people don't know the questions they should be asking!" How to become the spotless bride is one of them! What the spotless bride is to be was ordained by God from the beginning. He is going to have it His way. Another question is, "Are you going to be a part?"
Moving from being spotted towards being the spotless bride is not that hard if you understand but you will have to focus on doing it! God said to me, "Tell them to set their eyes on brideship!" Brideship has everything to do with becoming the Spotless Bride. We are a chosen generation and the Bride says, "Come!"
Three major spots are revealed by the Holy Spirit!
What are the 3 Spots?
See Free Movies
Smaller spots -
How do we/you have "corporate - golden meetings"
acceptable to the Lord?
Why do we say it is because "He is Holy,"
not that we are or the room is?
A large spot -
Learn the mechanics of a Corporate Flow Chart of the "things of the Spirit"
(Romans 8: 1 & 5)