Marriage Feast of the Lamb!
(The Ways of God)
You are here at number 2 (The Ways of God).
The Ways of God
In chapter four, Ezekiel was told by God (for His purposes) to portray the city of Jerusalem on a
tile and to perform some actions. I suggest you read the whole chapter but here are a few
verses so you can see what I'm talking about.
Ezekiel 4:
1 You also, son of man, take you a tile, and lay it before you, and portray on it the city, even
Jerusalem: 2 And lay siege against it, and build a fort against it, and cast a mount against it; set
the camp also against it, and set battering rams against it round about. 3 Moreover take you to
you an iron pan, and set it for a wall of iron between you and the city: and set your face against
it, and it shall be besieged, and you shall lay siege against it. This shall be a sign to the house of
Israel. 4 Lie you also on your left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel on it:… .
Ezekiel acted out, portrayed, imagery of what God wanted to do. It is very important to see that
this type of spiritual warfare is always brought up by God. We should follow instructions as
precisely as possible. In verse three God said, "This shall be a sign" and that is why I said the first Marriage Feast, having been portrayed, is a sign to the world of future events to come at the
hand of God.
Another picture of portrayal (establishing in the earth) of what God was going to do in the future
was when Abraham was told to sacrifice his son in Genesis 22. Abraham didn't really
understand the big picture; he was just being obedient to God! We know this was a portrayal of when God would actually sacrifice His own Son in the future!
Did these two portrayals have to be done before they could actually happen? The answer is,
"yes," as a sign, as an establishment, and as spiritual warfare. One of the reasons it is this way
has to do with God having given man authority in the earth. This has not changed! It is a legal
thing, just as the Lord came legally through the womb of a woman, as a man in the flesh, to fulfill
God's word. It has to do with covenant, the keys to the Lord's Kingdom! It has to do with establishing symbolically on earth, therefore in heaven. Then God brings it forth in the earth.
Matthew 16:19 ILB
And I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatever you bind on earth shall
occur, having already been bound in Heaven. And whatever you may loose on the earth shall be,
having been already loosed in heaven.
Putting Abraham's and Ezekiel's God-led symbolic portrayals into this
scripture, we see a picture:
Through Abraham's & Ezekiel's (man's) obedience on earth, it affected (moved) heaven and legally made the way for those God-given events to happen in the future on the earth. God was
legally setting the stage for those future events, by their portrayal through men. Through
one man sin entered and through one man, Jesus (God manifest in the flesh), the way for
eternal salvation came!
Ezekiel and Abraham had released (legally) the ability of God in the earth. To explain: Years
ago I told the Lord I would do anything He wanted me to do if He would show me what to do.
Then the Lord, through another man's vision, a "thing of the Spirit," revealed that I had released
the ability of God in my life. God does honor His Word concerning man's will and the authority
He gave man in the earth! It is all a legal matter! There are legal ways to do things and man
can not change those legal ways.
By applying the Keys of the Kingdom picture to the first
small marriage feast being necessary for the second large one, we have the same picture:
We can see that all those who participated in the first Marriage Feast were actually (legally) releasing the ability of God to bring forth the larger second (correct) Marriage Feast of the Lamb in the earth.
I said correct Marriage Feast of the Lamb because the first one was not totally correct or actual,
just like Ezekiel's and Abraham's portrayals weren't actual. Before the portrayal of the Marriage Feast the Lord had already given me a scene in the night:
I was looking at what looked like a huge wooden square door lying down. In the center was a
square of glass, but I'm sure it was transparent, refined Gold. The couple getting married were
standing on it for the ceremony. There were other couples waiting. In the scene it was
revealed that the couples would need to have marriage counseling after their marriage.
From this allegory I knew all of us involved would have much to learn after the Marriage Feast.
This is evident if you look at all we have learned about meetings, silence, protocol, and warfare
since the Marriage Feast. Looking back, it is easy for me to see that the first Marriage Feast of
the Lamb took place because it was time on God's calendar (link) to have it portrayed, in order
to move heaven, and bring forth the real manifestation in the future. It should be made clear
here that God had to bring obedient people together corporately to portray the Marriage Feast
of the Lamb correctly to whatever accuracy God deemed necessary. There had to be people
whom God considered to be in His Bride and those who were guests and servants. It was
revealed by the Holy Spirit beforehand that there were people here in this ministry whom God
did not consider to be portraying His Married Bride. Logically, it had to be this way or there
would not have been any correct portrayal of the real Marriage Feast of the Lamb.
When God began dealing with us about having the First Marriage Feast, He informed us that
we were doing it for the Body of Christ. We had no idea how to have it, but we understood that
all we could do was to follow His instructions as best we could. God was the instigator of us
holding the first Marriage Feast of the Lamb here, just as He was the instigator of taking
Jericho. Jesus does have the plan and the timing of everything that needs to be done; the
government is on His shoulders!
At the direction of the Lord the One New Man was portrayed in New York during the 2005 Feast of Trumpets Convocation. Paul Jablonowski and Ken Stevenson also attended the first Marriage Feast of the Lamb. Here is a portion of Paul's account of the meeting in New York:
The Lord symbolically demonstrated this message by having Ken represent the Jew and Roy
represent the Gentile. Ken, who teaches on the Jewish feasts and who may even have Jewish
lineage, had the
Israeli flag draped over his shoulders, while Roy had the American flag draped upon his
shoulders. During worship and prayer, Fran Beauchamps was shown in the Spirit that I was to
have the Christian
flag draped upon my shoulders while standing between Ken and Roy. My stance between the king and the priest represented intercession to bring about the "one new man," which is the
Bride of Christ made up of both Jew and Gentile. As I stood between them, I read from
Ephesians 2:11-18 part of which says, "He Himself (Christ) is our peace, who has made both
(Jew and Gentile) one… so as to create in Himself ONE
NEW MAN from the two, thus making peace."
Ezekiel chapter 37 speaks about the two sticks of Judah (Jews) and Ephraim (Christians)
becoming one stick in the Lord's hand. This was another Word brought forth by the Spirit of the
Lord through several independent sources at this Convocation:...
...Another very exciting confirmation were two Ezekiel 37 posters (shown here), which I (Paul)
had purchased about seven years ago. The Lord had directed me to give one poster to Ken prior
to the Convocation and then to mail the other poster, already framed, to Roy after the
Convocation. Ken and Roy each represented one of the sticks depicted in Ezekiel 37 (priests
and kings) that the Lord was bringing together as ONE during this prophetic 2005 Feast of
Trumpets Convocation.
So we see the same picture of the ONE NEW MAN
being portrayed on earth, affecting Heaven so it will manifest correctly in the future.
I will share more about the ONE NEW MAN and the poster Paul framed and sent me later in
this section of the site. I will also be sharing more about symbolic warfare, establishing in the
earth through portrayals at the direction of the Lord. I saw a vision where heaven was
moved. Prophetic Portrayals go beyond intercession. It is an important concept to
understand and one never knows when the Lord might bring it up to be implemented
individually, like Ezekiel's experience, or corporately through two or more people. The first Marriage Feast of the Lamb was a Portrayal!
3.Looking at the Parable of the Marriage Feast