I Saw Mount Zion
The Stain of Wrong Doings
The Place of Truth and Light! |
Jesus said, ... the stain of wrong doings ....
It is important, for more than one reason, for the church to understand the three spots, rid
herself of them, and then keep the spots out. This takes a continual awareness until the correct
way to do things becomes fully established. One reason for getting rid of the spots is survival,
as revealed by the Holy Spirit and presented on this site. Another reason is revealed in an e-mail sent to me by a pastor who had watched the information concerning the three main spots
on the DVDs we send out. The e-mail presents a picture:
"Dear Roy, ....You know a month after I watched the DVDs, I had an unusual dream one
night. I saw Jesus. He was dressed in white and I saw spots on His white flowing gown. He
was measuring all our works with a double-edged sword. Everywhere He went, He was
disappointed. When it was my turn, I was so confident He was going to smile at me. He
brought out a double edged sword and placed it under my works and I fell short of the standard.
He was so mad and showed His displeasure with the Church. I bowed my head and He told
me that the spots I have seen on His white gown were the stains of the wrong doings of the body
of Christ. He then brought out something like a cloth and covered my short comings and asked me
to go tell my brethren. Since then My heart has been on fire."
Simon Amos Dakop (Nigeria)
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As reported on this site, I have seen Jesus angry at people (leaders) because of the bottom
spot. It was not a pleasant thing to experience. If pastor Simon Amos Dakop's e-mail did not
inspire you to focus on getting full understanding of the spots and implement the corrections, it
is my hope that some of the information in this writing will.
The White Horse of Revelation 19
On November 3, 2006, while singing the song Sound of
Praise, I saw the White Horse of Revelation 19 again. I saw
the Lord's silver, double edged sword down and to the left
side of the horse. The sword is the Word of God, what He
meant when He spoke, and the silver represents refinement
of the saints. Both this vision and the scene given Simon
Dakop reveal the judgement of the church is here now. Will
she receive her judgement and turn from the stain of wrong
doings in the eyes of the Lord? Judgement is symbolically depicted to be on stage in the White Horse Movie. Key here to read that information. (A link is there at the end to return here.)
We must realize the right way or pattern of doing things is
written in Mount Zion and the married Bride of Christ will
walk in those correct patterns already established by God. A person cannot be in the married
Bride of Christ and be doing the wrong acts represented by the three spots. They are wrong
patterns of doing things. It is a legal matter, just as what Jesus did on earth was a legal matter!
I have seen individuals, pastors included, not pay much attention to the three spots and
therefore continue unknowingly in their present patterns. Jesus told me to tell Christians to
focus on Brideship. Focus is the opposite of "not paying much attention." The Lord used
the word "focus" because that is what it takes to come out of the spots and remain out.
Remember, the difference between a woman being a bride or being a harlot is revealed in her acts.
4. I Saw the Frame of the Earth.