Meeting, March 22, 2018 - MC
L- I kept hearing “angel of death” but I pushed it off. The Lord finally told me to move on into the holy place.
HP- The Protestant Church is corrupt, the many ways they have gone from Me. They cherish and love their falsehoods. The time to draw close to Me is now. They have trusted in their falsehoods, just as My people trusted in Egypt. I will avenge and visit their iniquities. They have trusted in their dictators and not Me, saith the Lord. They have delighted in the sacrifices they rejoice in. These sacrifices are not at My alter, but at Satan’s. It is decorated with all their perverse things. The things I do hate. Come out of your traditions and doctrines of demons. You drink at the same table and cup with them, and delight in it. Shall I not visit you for these things? Contemplate in your heart My words. Do not harden and reject My words. For surely shall your dictators not save you. Come under My shadow and be cleansed in My blood. Open this door to Me and I will come and sup with thee. I desire to give My people counsel.
HH- You must grasp the authority I have given you, and keep this authority untainted. I have much for you to do and to speak from your position. I have given you power over all spirits. You must, must, must, must grasp this. It is a legal issue. The Protestant Church shall be visited with the angel of death. You shall use My scepter, at My command, and release this judgment. Cover and recover your family. I will spare because of your righteousness by faith, as well as your acts. Do not let My judgments unsettle you. For they are necessary.
[RS - Before reading on to the washing of the Man-Child's family: Some people may question scripturally the Man-Child's Family being saved from physical death because of the Man-Childs actions of obedience. I remind all readers that Noah's family was saved because of Noah's righteous obedience!]
Protestant: A member or follower of any of the Western Christian churches that are separate from the Roman Catholic Church and follow the principles of the Reformation, including the Baptist, Presbyterian, and Lutheran churches.
Isaiah 30: 1-3
Woe to the rebellious children, saith the Lord, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin: 2 That walk to go down into Egypt, and have not asked at my mouth; to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt! 3 Therefore shall the strength of Pharaoh be your shame, and the trust in the shadow of Egypt your confusion.
The Pharaoh’s of Egypt were dictators, though they believed themselves to be a god. A dictator is a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained power by force. They are tyrants and oppressors just as we see from World War 2 how Hitler came to power and was a Dictator over Germany and killed millions of Jews. God has shown me this to be true in the Church as I saw Hitler leading the large ship in the sea forwards. But destruction swiftly came upon the large ship and overturned and destroyed it. I saw people were saved out of the wreckage as they were now coming towards me very joyfully. I knew they were glad to be alive seeing they made it out of the wreckage of the large ship (Scene on February 4, 2018) God is going to again send the death angel into the “spiritual corruption” of Egypt in the Church and its ways to bring forth a remnant out of it.
Washing my family, March 24, 2018 - MC
I presented myself before the Lord to obey what He has told me to concerning washing my family. (SIS) As I stood in silence, the Lord said, “My child. You have done well to obey My voice, and the leading of My Spirit. Now, continue in the things that I have commanded you to do. Very crucial. You shall wash yourself before you wash your family members. This is separate from your meetings with Me. Nothing fancy, just obey. As a priest, you have assignments to do. Personal assignments, family assignments, and national assignments. Now, continue on, for I am with you.