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The Lord said, "My people don't know
the questions they should be asking!"
the questions they should be asking!"

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for all Nations!

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Mercy Symbol
Many say these are
harsh words!
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The Lord’s Healing Room
Prophetic Blessings
  The Prophecies of
Jacob Metz

The Lord's Prophetic Time Clock
for His Third Day Reign

America - Trump


Man Child on Display

Right before 30 minutes (May 19, 2020) - MC
After my meeting, I went and stood to prepare for giving my 30 minutes of silence. As I stood, I immediately saw a large elephant coming right towards me in the close distance. Then the Lord said to me, “The Republican Party will prevail over the Democrats.” I wrote down what I saw and heard. The Lord continued on and said to me, “I have heard the prayers of My people and I will answer. I am just, I am righteous, I am Holy. I have seen what the Democratic Party has done in secret, and their hidden motives - even in their personal homes. My hand will move against them and they shall not prevail against My anointed. Donald J. Trump who I have chosen to be My beacon of light shall witness against the evil doers and prevailmercyagainst them. For I am with him says the Lord, because he has put his trust in Me in the secret place. I have seen him when no other eye is upon him, and behold, he poureth out his tears for Me and for My people, that justice would take hold. For I say unto you, Child, My justice is in My hands and I have seen the scales of injustice. I will break the scales of injustice as a potters vessel is broken. For there shall be another outcry from the evil doers because their plans have come to naught. I am stretching forth My hand even now, and My justice is in it. I am the Holy One of Israel. My olive branch of holiness shall be shaken over the nations that its oil may rest upon them. I have spoken. Let these My words fall upon all who will hear, that I redeem the broken and contrite spirit, and take no sides with the wicked. My judgment is just and it shall not fail.”

For some insight into this prophecy go to An Atrocity in the White House!

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