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the questions they should be asking!"
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The Lord's Prophetic Time Clock
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False Prophets


Man Child on Display

Sabbath Judgment Meeting, July 28, 2020 - MC

I shall grind all the words of the false prophets to powder and they themselves shall drink of that which they have spoken, for they have spoken lies in My name. Their vessels shall be full of gall and wormwood and they shall be the harvesters of that which they have sown. Even as I had the Children of Israel drink the powder of their idolatries after I had worked wonderfully before them. The false prophets shall be judged and consumed one before another. Their rudders are perverted, which I have not established nor called.

The false prophets who have tried to divide and cut asunder the words of My true prophets shall be visited. For they have tried not perverting the words of a man but of the living God. Woe to those who try to wreck My counsel by their false words. The false prophets run in error who have been established by men and, not of Me, says the Lord. Reckless divination has caused My people to stumble. I will judge the palm readers and all those who divine by another spirit that is not of Me, says the Lord. All those who follow the sign of their birth I will judge and bring into account before My courts. Even My own who have sought refuge in such things I will visit them according to their iniquities. I will not be mocked, says the Lord. Turn from these things and come before Me that you may receive life.

So many of My people, including the leaders of the church, have given their headships to divination, sorcery and witchcraft. A three-fold cord, which has bound the heads of My children which have gone in the way of Balaam. A double-mindedmercycourse leads to destruction. My people, hear My words. I speak no idle words, therefore, heed them. Do not be shocked at My words and count them too harsh for your hearing. Come to the light that forgiveness may cover you. If you believe not My words then this shall be a sign unto you - when a church house rises up with the sword against another church to devour one another and consume one another. In this sign all shall know that these words I have spoken are true. They shall be consumed by the sword, even as the children of Israel when they turned their back on Me to serve other gods. Evil persuasions and intent shall even move some of those I have called, whose platforms have been established to do evil in My sight. For these things will happen and be exposed that the hearts of My people be purged. Aaron fell because of the persuasion of the people, even as King Saul.

My people, come to Me, come to Me. Test the spirits. My Children are not equipped as they should be. Satan tests the perseverance of My people with temptation of escape by the way of the flesh. Recognize the way of escape, whether they be of Me or the enemy. Too many of My people ha ve taken the wrong escape and have been led to dry places. Be not lured, be not lured. Follow not after the oasis of Satan, which are only mirages to your visual eyes. Come to Me, come to Me, come to Me and seek Me. I will show you the way and reveal to you the hidden deceptions of the enemy.

But My Children, let no thought arise in your heart that all is well, for My words I signify unto you declare all is not well. Be not laxed in your routines. Awaken and allow Me to anoint your eyes with My eye salve that your spiritual perception be opened. The time is now, the time is now. Come to Me and I will in no wise cast out. My words are written in the stain glass windows of My Son’s blood - pass them not by. Read and understand, for My words are a witness. How many stained windows of My Son’s blood will it take? Read the writing on the wall. Pass it not by. As I have revealed, the choice is yours to make through My servants the prophets.

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