Sabbath Judgment Meeting, December 14, 2020 - MC
Tell My people I am preparing them for a great feast. New spiritual food and nourishment. I am preparing a great feast for all nations who sit at My table. A feast of feasts. My people will eat, feast and sup with Me continually. The harlot's table and those who eat at Jezebel's table shall no longer be captivated by their delicacies. My great feast and the food provided shall strengthen My people. Theyshall no longer crave the defiled meat nor the red wine that bites like a serpent. A great feast before the loudest battle cry that has ever been ushered. My people shall be strengthened by the meat from heaven and shall persevere as with the strength of David.
A great outpouring of meat shall be given to My people from heaven to feed and strengthen. The meat concerning the true will of God and all the purposes I have in store for My people. For this spiritual meat shall birth forth new things that have been reserved for this time. See and understand, My people, and do not grow weary. For much preparation has taken place. The world cannot receive My feast nor receive the reserved blessings from it. Through this judgment I am initiating the outpouring and first-fruit of this feast. Vessels shall be filled with the will of My Father. My people, receive this initiation of what I am bringing forth. Leave your assumptions at the door. They will only create unbelief. Trust, trust, trust. It is unfolding. Peace be unto you, My Children. Adjourn the meeting, Child.