The Lord's Boot Camp

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JR)  this room a part of My protocol;  deeper cleansing here;  where Judgments, Mercies, Grace, Holiness, All that I am is received before entering the Holy of Holies

HH)  Come to My secret place; stay in My shadow;  work to completion;  guards at attention;  Protocol;   all must be done according to My Protocol;  urgency, such urgency;

L)   teach them;   this, My protocol;   how to be clean;   how to maintain cleanliness;   holiness
HP)   teach them about My Holy Place;   again, protocol;  show them;   how symbolism works;   how and why;   why the follow through of actions
HP)  much accomplished;   more yet to do;   meet progression protocols;   My Chosen, My Bride, must progress;  Red;   you can do all I’ve chosen for you to do;   know that;   I say so;   stay the course, stay the course;   understand your increases
HH)   give Me all your cares;   hide not from Me;   futile effort, I know all;   listen not to enemy;   know, recognize his voice know My voice;   know My ways;   know My protocol;   recognize My words;   fail not to use My reasoning;   pay attention to all words some claim to have heard Me say;   the one who mimics lies;   know My ways;   My timing;   you cannot assume;   I do not assume, I know;   so must you;   My Chosen, so must you;   be not led astray;   careful what you allow;   not only words allow, but also acts;   take more care;   be cognizant of what you do;   watch and pray, watch and pray;

L)     Protocol, Protocol;   see to it;   My judgments stand;   as does My word;   adhere;   procrastinate not

L)   Worship Me;   pay heed;   much evil around;   follow My procedures;   I will lead;   (D. P.)   remember I am hallowed 

L)   Pay attention;  Protocol in different situations;   remember, follow My lead;   subtle;   details;   time is prime;   wisdom, wisdom;   allow, receive; 

HH)    Proper;   decorum;   My protocols;   slack not;   purpose in each;   deny not;  

L)   Procedures;   important;   for progression;   follow and allow My lead;   simple but necessary

L)   Significant changes;   watch, prepare;   adjust;   encourage;   aid;   appropriate acts, appropriate acts;   acts afford My Bride;   My Bride shall walk in Majesty;   allow it,   you know and understand this protocol;

L)   Be rooted, rooted, rooted in My words;   deeply rooted, Bride, deeply rooted;   Be ye solid in My protocols;   this must be;   no slip ups







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