A Vision Concerning Questions.
Understandiing? Yes, all understanding! In a vision I saw a person, whom I know, standing in front of the Lord. She had her head down as if she were ashamed to look at Him. She had a lot of questions that she had never sought the Lord about because she didn't believe she could hear Him, or get the answers. It seemed that she didn't believe she could know all that the Lord wanted to reveal, all the understanding He wanted to give
The point in the vision was that He didn't want her standing before Him ignorant. His love for her was obvious in the vision and it seemed to be emitting from Him to her. He wanted to give her all understanding.
He is no respecter of persons so He doesn't want you ignorant, either. The sad thing about humans is that we are willingly ignorant at times! We believe what we want to believe and who we want to believe. The Lord said "My people don't know the questions they should be asking." Because I have stood before the Lord, I know what it feels like to be there! I don't want you standing there ignorant. It's not good! He wants to give everyone "all understanding!"
"Have you been asking the right questions?"
God is fulfilling His word concerning 'end times' and He doesn't want you to be ignorant of those things. He loves you and wants you to be a part of what He is doing. The choice is yours!
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