The Lord's Leading Edge

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Leading Edge

SYMBOLS: BL = Before Laver HP = Holy Place CC = Closed Circle HU = Hands up HH = Holy of Holies TPHR = Thanks, Praise, Hallelujah, Rejoicing T at the end = seeing His thumbprint P = purple, seal of approval R = red, commitment D = how deep, AAI = Allow, activate and Invoke WANJ = With the authority in the name, Jesus SIS = stand in silence.

Ministry Meeting 2-2–2019
Declaration of purpose of meeting. (words)
DP- Circle up & wash at the Laver. Circle tight, becoming one.
Presentation of the Red Words from the LORD.
• My Children, absolutely full of faith, I cannot be contained
• man tries again and again to put Me into neat small containers
• this must not be
• I am vast, I am vast, I am vast
• they claim to know I am vast, yet they try to package Me
• My Children, you must teach of My vastness for I am completely unbound
• My vastness reaches out in all directions
• I have absolutely no limits other than the will of man
• My Children, it is time for you to see well into My beyond
• It is time for you to operate in the beyond
• you too must be unbound as am I
• use your will, use your will, use your will, understand
• I have given you the tools for you to free yourselves
• choose to be free of all of Satan's bindings and hinderances
• be free, be free, be free
• be free to truly choose to yield all to Me as I know is your desire
• contain not and refuse to be contained

Ministry Meeting 2-9–2019
Declaration of purpose of meeting. (words)
DP- Circle up & wash at the Laver. Circle tight, becoming one.
Presentation of the Red Words from the LORD.
• My people, My Chosen, you each have endured hardships
• some have had many
• some have been intense, almost unbearable
• know ye not that I have been with you during all of these times, waiting
• many, many times I have been prohibited from aiding by wrong words spoken
• My Children, you have made great progress in allowing Me, but you must keep a watch on your words
• My Children, you are overcomers
• your great increasing faith has aided you in overcoming much, so much
• you must push, push even more
• be prepared, be prepared for what is to come
• be prepared to overcome
• be prepared to teach the babes to have overcoming faith
• remember, I am always with you ready to aid as you allow
• My Chosen, you must always, always, always legally allow Me
• forget this not

Sabbath Meeting 2-13-2019 (transition month)
1. Hallelujahs
2. Shofar
3. Declaration of purpose of meeting. (words)
4. Ignition of the Lord’s Fire in the Laver (words)
5. Send the single cup (chalice) forth as described: A person holds up the single cup with everyone doing an act of sending the cup out and verbally saying: With the legal authority of Yahushua's name the Bride “Sends forth the Single Cup with fire. "Hallelujahs"

(Purpose) Let it burn the way. I am here to bring forth the things therein. I am here to bring forth MY Bride. The time is now. MY people need wait no more. Many have yearned for such a time. It is time, it is time! Now send forth the Single Cup!”

6. Single cup preparation into individual cups
7. Enter into Silence (words)
8. Wash at the Lord’s Laver - Circle up (silent, action)
9, Single Cup Communion (silent action)

(Purpose) “You are to declare, (establish) by drinking from this Single Cup, that His rule and reign has begun in the earth. It is a solemn declaration."
"Every time you partake of the Single Cup, it's like going around Jericho once!"

silence! (30 min of corporate silence)

RS - I heard transition month, transition month, transition month earlier in the meeting.

(The Lord calls the month before His new year a transition month.)


Kingdom Meeting 2-13-2019
BL - forgive / be ye known My Chosen, for your forgiving ways / imbed into your beings / true, true forgiveness must be in you to your very core / think on this / it is up to you, it is up to you each / this decision is up to you / your united body must be known for its forgiving ways as well / understand, understand, understand / yes, you must understand the heights and depths of forgiveness / this is no small matter / you must decide and then follow through / stay in My Calm, stay in My Calm, stay in My Calm / staying in My Calm is a vital key in being able to truly forgive / be determined My Children, be determined /

HP - TPRH / timid, be not timid / stand on My promises / use your faith / CC - united, united, be ye united / HU - give, receive / give, receive, give, receive with these hands My Children / HOU - receive My blessings, receive My blessings /

HH - Holy, Holy, Holy time / comprehend, comprehend all / My scales My scales / I am balanced, perfectly balanced / be ye likewise / tip not, tip not / understand / many scales, many scales, be aware of many scales / My Chosen, My Chosen be balanced in all matters / tip not the scales, tip not the scales, not even one / stay on course, stay on course / be on My path / each of you must be on the path I have chosen for you, understand / Bride, Bride, you must also be on, and stay on, the path I have for you / no other will come to a good end / see that, understand / I have the correct protocols for all situations to aid you in being on My pathways and staying on them / veer not off / time, time is of the utmost importance / dally not with My time / there will be an end to time as you know it / dally with it not / honor Me with your Obedience / honor Me with it /

Ministry Meeting 2-16–2019
Declaration of purpose of meeting. (words)
DP- Circle up & wash at the Laver. Circle tight, becoming one.
Presentation of the Red Words from the LORD.
• it is My will for you to be Secure, My Children
• be Secure in all matters, all situations
• be Secure in My love for you each
• let fear and doubt rob you not of it
• know I am with you watching over you
• be Secure in what I have taught and revealed to you
• be Secure in all My words to you
• be Secure in My truths
• know, truly know, you can stand on My truths, Securely stand on them
• Secure your trust in Me, Securely Secure it
• My Children, allow your faith to be absolutely Secure in Me
• My Children, My Children, I give you My Security, accept it, accept it for it is yours

Kingdom Meeting 2-20-2019
BL - hush / hush / there shall be a great hush / be not alarmed / be astutely aware / look to Me for I shall guide / be aware, be aware, looking for My guidance / stay in My calm, imperative / careful, careful, make no assumptions / focus not on what the enemy is doing / keep your focus on Me / be aware of the enemy, but focus on Me / miss not My guidance / veer not from My path, My roadways / remember at all times that doubt, fear, and worry are not of Me / if you fear, if you doubt, if you worry, the enemy has your focus / this must not be / understand / let not dust gather on these words /

HP - TPHR / (outlined in red) / from thanksgivings to rejoicings / from T---R, from T----R / CC - group hugs all around / let there be Rejoicing / Rejoicing again and again / HU - gather Rejoicing and lift it to Me / HOU - Rejoicing, Rejoicing, Rejoicing / clap and Rejoice

HH - Prepare yourselves / there shall be a time of great Rejoicing / I have deemed it so / be not shy, truly Rejoice / Rejoice from deep within / with all out Joy / be it now so / aware, aware, I am in the midst of your Rejoicing / I too Rejoice / let this night be full / Amen and Amen / let it end with silent Rejoicing bubbling within you each / let it now begin / REJOICE, My Children /

Ministry Meeting 2-23–2019
Declaration of purpose of meeting. (words)
DP- Circle up & wash at the Laver. Circle tight, becoming one.
Presentation of the Red Words from the LORD.
• Conceal not My truth
• put it forth carefully
• put it forth simply
• add not to it
• always remember it must be given step by step
• study the steps
• have them written in your minds, on your hearts
• wait not for teaching opportunities
• prepare for them now
• be ye thorough teachers
• be prepared to repeat steps
• assume not that all has been grasped
• again, My Chosen, be thorough teachers
• teach with patience just as I have taught you

A Message:
You have been reading what God has been saying to HIs Bride. The Lord has told me again to start putting some of His Words to us as individuals on the Leading Edge. As you read these you will begin to see more of the seriousness of the "Lord's Days" we live in and pick up on what the Lord is preparing to do. It has to do with the Lord's revival, His judgements and "The Hill God calls 'The Place.'" You will be able to see more of what the Lord is working to bring forth by what He is saying to me and other individuals. Let the will of the Lord be done! - Roy Sauzek

I start with the following:
Meeting 2-4-2019, RS
HH - Freedom waits / total freedom waits for the Bride / closer than you think / Oh! the trumpet sound / many men have sought a time such as this / mountains made low / the lion lays with the sheep / who will see, who will understand such a time as this / every life is precious to Me / remember that as you walk forward / make yourself aware of this constantly / constantly / ...time... / rattle the cages, rattle the cages / people are asleep in cages

Meeting 2-24-2019 KE
HP- HU- Thrust the silence up.  HH- Yes, I am going to teach you more and give you understanding on healing.  Vital, vital.  Certain situations require certain healings.  Do not box the way I want to heal.  I am preparing you.  Absorb all My teaching I give you by My Spirit.  I am teaching you many things.  Each are faceted and all connected.  Each facet of teaching is needed.  Each revelation required that My purposes be fulfilled in you and through you.  Fear not.  Absorb, absorb.  That is all. 

Kingdom Meeting 2-27-2019
BL - Converse / Converse with Me / yes in your language, but also with your prayer language / be not shy nor hesitant with either / explain, explain to the babes that all they need to do is just talk to Me / dispel their fears, their doubts / you know much / be prepared to explain, teach, share / tell them, tell them in simple terms / tell them to talk to Me just as they talk to their friends / I am not impressed by an eloquent tongue / simple, always simple / overlook not the opportunities I give you to teach the babes / My Chosen, I remind you to be diligent in these matters / write these simple notes on your foreheads, in your hearts /

HP - TPHR / lift with true Joy / lift with true Joy My Chosen, true Joy / deep from within / let it overflow / CC - aw My Children, what a sight you are / let Me feast My eyes upon you / you give Me such Joy / lift your hands to Me / HU - how much Joy can you hold / how much Joy can you hold / lift to receive / HOU - grasp what you can, grasp what you can /

HH - My Children, My Children, I am pleased with you / it is time to move forth / move forth with the knowledge you have so you can gain even more of it / yes, it makes sense / it makes so much sense in light of the laws of increase / use, use, use the knowledge / use, use, use the increases as well / unlimited expansion / understand / some would call you wealthy with the knowledge you now have / I want you to be vastly wealthy in it / it is time / you are more than ready to move forth to higher levels / come, come, come / you must again, as always, put your complete trust in Me / I must be the one to lead and guide you / come forth, come forth, come forth / there is still yet much to do / hesitate not, come forth /

Sabbath Meeting 2-27-2019
1. Hallelujahs
2. Shofar
3. Declaration of purpose of meeting. (words)
4. Ignition of the Lord’s Fire in the Laver (words)
5. Send the single cup (chalice) forth as described: A person holds up the single cup with everyone doing an act of sending the cup out to the north and verbally saying: With the legal authority of Yahushua's name the Bride “Sends forth the Single Cup with fire. "Hallelujahs"

(Purpose) Let it burn the way. I am here to bring forth the things therein. I am here to bring forth MY Bride. The time is now. MY people need wait no more. Many have yearned for such a time. It is time, it is time! Now send forth the Single Cup!”

6. Single cup preparation into individual cups
7. Enter into Silence (words)
8. Wash at the Lord’s Laver - Circle up (silent, action)
9, Single Cup Communion (silent action)

(Purpose) “You are to declare, (establish) by drinking from this Single Cup, that His rule and reign has begun in the earth. It is a solemn declaration."
"Every time you partake of the Single Cup, it's like going around Jericho once!"


KE - Quench not My Joy / Let it well up within you and burst forth

LC - Watch your step, legal steps only / come clean unto Me / know and understand

RR - (SCENE was the TV show MASH). Everyone was leaving the camp. The doctors Hawkeye and BJ Honeycutt were celebrating. Comment: MASH was about the Korean "war". President Trump is now (or soon will be) meeting with the leader of North Korea in Vietnam.

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