The Lord's Leading Edge

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Leading Edge

SYMBOLS: BL = Before Laver HP = Holy Place CC = Closed Circle HU = Hands up HH = Holy of Holies TPHR = Thanks, Praise, Hallelujah, Rejoicing T at the end = seeing His thumbprint P = purple, seal of approval R = red, commitment D = how deep, AAI = Allow, activate and Invoke WANJ = With the authority in the name, Jesus SIS = stand in silence.

Outer Court - Silence
MM - BL) Clear the way / My Children, you must keep the way Clear not allowing the enemy to clutter in any manner / My Chosen Ones, you must keep the way Clear not only for yourselves but also for aiding the babes in their new walk with Me / you must Clear the way for them while teaching them how to do it for themselves / remember what it was like when you were just babes and be patient with them / soon, soon there will be many, many new in their walk with Me with Us / you must be ready for them, organized, people and things in place / My Chosen Ones there are still many preparations to be made / you must be ready, prepared both physically and spiritually / this must not be taken lightly / think on these things, plan for them, and be ready
HP) TPHR / My silence is Holy / keep it Holy, Holy / remember, all that I am is Holy, Pure, Untainted / My Chosen Ones, strive to be likewise / be totally aware of your thoughts, your words, your deeds and strive, strive to be likewise / you each have made strides, but you must push yourselves lest you slack / CC) stand focusing on these My words to you / stand silently, focused / HU) honor Me with determined hands / hands washed by My blood / HOU) yes, yes, yes, I accept these precious hands and call them my blessed hands

HH) Prime, Prime Time / Yes, My Time is Prime / see it as such / treat it thusly / allow the enemy not the ability to steal of Our Time / aware, aware of their tactics / use your arsenals and quickly prohibit them / yes, stop them and keep your focus on Me and the work We must complete / see this work, this holy work that must be done with holy determined hands / My Chosen Faithful Ones, I urge you to take Joy, great Joy in Our work / let not the enemy burden you or have any place, any ground / it vital, it is vital for We have a Mighty Work to accomplish / remember, you are My Chosen Ones, chosen for this Time and this Mighty Work / deny the enemy any rights to interfere / Halleluyah and Amen

Ministry Meeting 2-05-2022 (Complete Service)
Declaration of purpose of meeting. (words)
DP - Circle up & wash at the Laver. Circle tight, becoming one.
Presentation of the Red Words from the Lord:
Complete Service

• My Children, I adjure you each to Complete your Service to Me

• good intentions are just that; they may be good and may be intended, but that means very little if they are not Completed

• I urge, urge, urge you each to give Me your Complete Service

• you must be certain when you answer My requests that you do not say, “Yes, Lord” without giving serious thought to whether or not you will actually follow through giving Me Complete Service to the whole request

• I call you to search yourselves, search yourselves to see if you have Completed all you have promised to do

• My Children, I must be able to trust your word

• so much hinges on your spoken words

• I need not tell you how satan listens to your words and tries to distract you from Completing your promised Service

• My Children, be not discouraged bur rather be encouraged and determined to give me Complete Service for all you answer “Yes” to

• in most instances it is not too late, so search, search, search your records and Complete your promised Services

• remember I do and shall forgive

• Halleluyah

Outer Court - Silence
“Power, legal Power coming to your hands / Power in many ways, be ready, completely ready / ready, ready, prepared so you abuse this Power not / My Chosen Body, you must be prepared to work together / yes, you must function, operate as a well-oiled machine / understand, you must, must, understand and prepare yourselves to function smoothly together / no glitches, no glitches / all self must be kept out of your body / yes, the Bride will have no self / you will operate as My government unit / you will be an ensample to governments of nations / allow My Hand upon you as you govern / do this without fail / My Children, grasp, grasp these most important words I have given”
MM - Lifted TPHR - “I know your hearts / I know your hearts / Bride, I know your heart / your heart is pure, perfectly pure / let the Halleluyahs toll, and toll, and toll / Amen / let the tolling reverberate within you, My Children / (now lead them forth to My Holy of Holies”)
MM - “Our Time cometh forth / it is Our Holy Time / it must not be tainted / allow it to be tainted not / My Schedule, My Plans are set, ready / they must not be tainted / allow it not / come forth, go forth carrying My Truth to the nations / Announce and Proclaim it and then carry forth My Truth / allow not your efforts to wane / truly carry them forth with God’s speed, My speed / Think on all these things / Halleluyah” *
DP - Read over & acknowledged with actions the Words the LORD gave.

Ministry Meeting 2-12-2022 (Temtation)
Declaration of purpose of meeting. (words)
DP - Circle up & wash at the Laver. Circle tight, becoming one.
Presentation of the Red Words from the Lord:
• My Children, you know the evil ones work at Tempting you
• be aware for they are ramping up ways to draw you with new Temptations
• they could care less if you deny their obvious Temptations
• you must, must, must be ultra-careful concerning things that look harmless on the surface
• remember that the evil ones work hard at being sly
• they work hard at slipping in things that have hidden meanings
• My Children, I adjure you to look and to look again before accepting or purchasing anything
• make this a habit
• you need to also make it a habit to have sweeping angels aid you    
• bring nothing into your vehicles or homes without first having them swept
• now then, I also adjure you each to be closely aware of you own words and actions lest you be guilty of Tempting anyone
• My Children, diligently think on these things
• Halleluyah      

2-16-2022 KINGDOM GOVERNMENT MEETING - We also recognize Purim! (Jurisprudence)
Outer Court - Silence
BL - Jurisprudence / I Declare clear pure Jurisprudence in this place / My Chosen Ones allow Me, allow Me / allow Me, allow Me (rapidly over and over ) legally allow Me to bring forth My Will, Plans, Timing and Purposes in this place / hesitate not / (I saw a red bundle and somehow I knew it was His plans and He wanted to unfold them here) / correct, absolutely correct / it must be legally allowed / allow them to be unfolded, fold by fold by fold in precise order / yes, Plans, Miracles, Truths, to be unfolded properly precisely / be not dismayed / allow it not, allow it not / if you allow dismay in, you will miss major portions of what I unfold / imperative, it’s imperative you understand and are prepared / My Chosen, forgo the other stations and sit in silence preparing yourselves for the unfolding / Child, you must tell them and then sit in silence for 13 minutes / (when we were sitting in silence He stopped revealing exactly when the 13 minutes were up, like a camera shutter, it would start with large and then narrow down to focus. He was dealing with her eyes as though they were like a camera shutter, it was more green & then other colors, but the green was dominate.)

We went over His words legally allowing what He wanted us to do His Way.

(The plans looked to be pretty much square and this much folded, around 3 inches. And about a foot square.)

All - Hallelujahs
RS - Declaration of purpose of meeting. (words)
DP - Circle up & wash at the Laver. Circle tight, becoming one.
MM - Presentation of the Red Words from the Lord:
righteous / Self-Righteous
• My Children, look at yourselves

• each must carefully, diligently look inward at yourselves

• look not at one another, but carefully check yourselves

• be honest with yourselves at what you see, at what you find

• it is My desire that only righteousness be found within you each

• be not embarrassed if you find any Self-Righteousness within

• remember My words that all have sinned

• it also means it is time to be free of every speck of Self-Righteousness

• so, check all portals, entries of any sort for they must be blocked, closed, sealed shut and cast from you legally

• you know to assume nothing, so if you need or want My help, I am here

• My Bride must be free to be truly righteous

• the time is now, My Bride, the time is now, Halleluyah

MM - BL, “Calm, Calm / My Children, take in of My Calm / allow My Calm to aid you in preparing for all that is soon to be, to come / yes, yes, yes, breathe in My Calm / allow it to penetrate into every cell of your beings / allow My Calm to strengthen you / My Children, take it in, allow it to build and build within you each / yes, Child, you are sensing the magnitude / yes, My Child, you have been sensing the depths of My Calm that you must have, must allow because of what is to come / tell and encourage, tell and encourage / My Children, you must enter in, take in, breathe in these depths / Bride, it is crucial and it is time for you to take these steps / My Bride must operate with complete Calm / My Beautiful Bride serene, calm, yet ever so strong, sure / this must be, this must be, understand this must be / My Bride, My Bride, you shall soon step forth in My Glory, with My Glory / (she saw us splashing each other with water) / Yes, quickly splash one another and then go to My Holy of Holies”

HH - “Obedience, Obedience / your Obedience pleases Me / My Children, always, always hesitate not in being Obedient to Me / thusly showing and giving Me your trust in such Obedience pleases, pleases Me / time is coming, horizons are rising / yes, My Bride, Calm and Obedience, Calm and Obedience must continue to be / they must be firmly established in you / the enemy is afraid, the enemy is afraid for they see you coming forth as do I / yes, Bride, I say come, come forth Calm, Obedient, ready / every step sure, firm, sure, firm / very soon Bride, very soon / Halleluyah”

Ministry Meeting 2-26-2022 (Will)
Declaration of purpose of meeting. (words)
DP - Circle up & wash at the Laver. Circle tight, becoming one.
Presentation of the Red Words from the Lord:
• My Children, there are many different Wills, but I wish for you to diligently look at the facts of four
• there is My Will, your Wills, the Wills of mankind, and of course the wills of the evil one and his cohorts
• you already know My Will is Holy, Righteous, and Pure
• you also know that you and all of mankind have been given Free Wills
• you also know that the will of the evil ones are unholy, unrighteous, and impure    
• My Children, understand that yes, you are a part of mankind but yet separate from it
• I want you each to keep striving to be Pure, Righteous, and Holy
• you must be aware, aware, aware of the wills of all that is evil      
• most of you have given Me your Wills, but that does not mean the evil ones will suddenly leave you be
• it is because you have given Me your Wills that the evil ones keep relentlessly trying to trip you up
• My Children, My Children, I encourage to keep up your guards and recognize, block, and refuse all the wiles of the enemy
• My Children, make this a united effort for your united numbers will increase exponentially
• now, My Children, think, think, think carefully on these matters
• Halleluyah

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