PDF of the Law of Retribution & the Tree of Life
Dutch PDF
I Saw the Tree of Life!
A testimony:
I have seen the Tree of Life! ( Genesis 2:9 ) I saw it fall down - falling away from me. I then saw the Tree of Life stand back up. I learned it stood back up because of what I did for the young man whom the doctors said would never ride a horse again in the last article The Law of Retribution.
This scene verified that the enemy of man kind was taking the young man just as I thought. I had asked the Lord about what I did concerning the young man's back debt and this scene gave me the answer.
I have created a likeness of what I saw. It's far from exposing the magnificence, the true stature of the tree. The tree trunk was like a two legged candelabra. The leaves were bigger and not as dense. The bark looked old to me but alive, without age. In the scene I walked right up under the tree and was looking at the shape of the trunk, somewhat like shown. Then it fell backwards. Some time passed and then it stood back up in front of me, but it was about twenty feet in front of me. Thank God for the law of retribution.
The Law of Retribution.
Dirty Money